Frequently Asked Question

Let us answer any questions that might be on your mind! Can't find the answer you're looking for? Then please contact us!

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What is Humans With Worth?

Humans With Worth (HWW) is a company suppling apparal to people with different conditions and statuses in life. Our goal is to bring a bit of happiness to every person that feels incomplete or doubts themselves.

Why was Humans With Worth started?

The idea of Humans With Worth came to fruition when the founder was struggling with his ADHD and needed a bit of motivation and happiness in his own life. From there he started thinking about colorblindness and expanded from there. As someone who knows what it feels like to think you're not "normal", he was determined to bring positivity to this space.

Will my condition/scenario ever be included?

We are ever-expanding and try to cover as many conditions and scenarios as possible. If you want to help us out please contact us and tell us about your experience so we can work on ideas for designs. Even if you're the only one in the world with this condition, we'd love to cheer you up.

We need a batch of apparel made for *event*, can you do it?

This depends entirely on the request, how many items are needed and if you need a design made specifically for this occation. Please contact us and we'll be happy to work it out with you!

How long will an order take to arrive?

Orders take approximately 2-3 days to start being made and will take another few days to arrive depending on location. Around holiday periods this duration may (heavily) increase, so it's advised to order on time.

Can I cancel an order?

If you want to cancel an order let us know as soon as possible, generally within 12 hours. If this is done too late and the item(s) is already in production, we unfortunately won't be able to cancel it.

There is something wrong with my item(s), what now?

If there is something odd- or wrong with your order please send us a message with attached pictures explaining your situation.